Yoga Classes


Meditation is a process in which an individual train themselves for the attention of awareness and to achieve mental and emotional peace, by focusing on a particular object and eliminating all the other things. The meditation can help in relieving stress and lowering down the level of blood pressure. There are different types of meditation such as:

  • Loving-kindness meditation
  • Body scan or progressive relaxation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Breath awareness meditation
  • Kundalini yoga
  • Zen meditation
  • Transcendental Meditation
  • Sound Meditation

The Sound Meditation is the form of meditation in which an individual focuses on the sound or the music to get into the trance state. It is the most ancient method of meditation, it is also known as 'sound healing' or 'sound baths'. It is the most effective way of meditation which helps in easing the depression and the anxiety of a person. The Sound Meditation Classes in Goregaon East and the Sound Meditation Classes in Malad are aiding the individuals in releasing their stress and anxiety with the process of sound meditation. The Sound meditation is so peaceful that an individual gets so lost in the peace that they feel like they are in the state of trance.
Meditation is a process that is traced thousands and thousands of years back where the sadhu, sants meditate for attaining the state of trance or peace of mind, since then it has been of such great importance as it helps in relaxing the mind and also attaining the positive vibes all around.